Our Vision: A Christ-centred family evangelising with Love and Humility
Infant Baptism Ministry

At Baptism we receive & celebrate God's gift of grace and salvation through Christ. Baptism is the first of the sacraments of faith and it marks the beginning of a life-long journey in knowing and following Jesus. ​
Our Infant Baptism Ministry team prepares parents and godparents for infant baptism. We facilitate a preparation session to give parents and godparents the opportunity to reflect on the Sacrament of Baptism, the vocation of parenthood as well as the role of godparents in the child's faith formation. The session also covers the practical aspects of what to expect during the Rite of Baptism.
Baptisms are held on the last Sunday of the month, during the 12 PM Mass (excluding Easter, Feast Day and Christmas).
Time: 12pm
Venue: Main Church
A preparation session with the parents and godparents will be held the Sunday before the baptism at 2pm.
Email: infantbaptism@stteresa.sg