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Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
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What/Who is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (“CGS) is a Montessori-based approach to the religious formation of children, rooted in Sacred Scripture, Liturgy, and respect for the child's rich relationship with God.


It all began in Rome in 1954 with the approval of the bishops of Rome, including Pope John Paul II. CGS was developed by Dr Sofia Cavalletti, a Hebrew Scriptural scholar and her co-worker Montessorian director Gianna Gobbi.


CGS is an approach to the religious formation of children that is based on the conviction that God and the Child are in relationship. Our role as the adult catechist is to protect and nurture this bond. In the Catechesis, we present age-appropriate themes from the Bible and our liturgy with manipulative materials which the children use to internalize and ponder the great mysteries of our faith.


CGS is not primarily academic in character. Rather, it seeks to be an experience of life and an education in faith, through the celebration of an encounter with the Father, in listening to Jesus the one Teacher, and in obedience to the Spirit.


In 2005, CGS St Theresa’s Church, began with only 7 children attending at a Level 1 session, serving 3 to 6 year olds. Over the years, we have grown in numbers to now serving all levels and age groups.


Do Contact

For more information, please contact Bernie Chow (coordinator of CGS in Church of St Teresa) at

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